Babu/Gulabchand Shah is the husband of Taz Shah.
Shah states in Judy Barber’s self-published book “Good Question!: The Art of Asking Questions to Bring about Positive Change” he joined the EDUCO Cult in 1996 and immediately began recruiting for the Cult
Colleagues of Shah from Enterprise Oil in the late-1990’s do not recall a capable technician but do recall his “get-rich-schemes” and his Cult introductory seminars. His manager was never informed Shah was recruiting on-site for a Cult with a history of Sexual Abuse.
He actually taught me some basics about options on the stock market in the 2000s. Unfortunately you (sic) didn’t go exactly according to plan! He also conducted some training courses involving mind map and American style life coaching. It was a bit ridiculous!
I do remember Babu Shah, he was into some get rich quick schemes, investments for contractors and stuff….I didn’t follow any of it up.
One remembers Shah’s aloofness and awkwardness around normal people; an avoidant attachment-style, characterised by him covertly recruiting the partner of his teammate, and close-associate of future recruit Manj Weerasekera, whilst at Enterprise Oil:
I never really connected with Babu, even when he was at Enterprise, as he was always share dealing!!
At the same time he was leading a double-life by portraying himself in the Irish media as an influential and knowledgable investor with an interest in “teamwork”.
Claims made by TICN, the website Shah created and punted as a network of clubs, were dismissed by members as overoptimistic in May 2003.
Part of the imported system used by the GIG group, led by a British email consultant, Mr Babu Shah, who with his wife and some friends had also attended the Anthony Robbins seminar in the US, puts considerable emphasis on developing a group dynamic and in building teamwork. (Source)
Other companies set up by Shah and his wife Taz Shah are UWI Limited and Universal Wealth International Limited.
Both were closely associated with recruiting for the EDUCO Cult in the UK. User-accounts with “Universal Wealth” email-addresses were used by Angie Bent, Shah and wife Taz Shah and his sister Ashika Shah.
These UWIUK/UWILimited email addresses could be found on a private Yahoo Group where discussions took place on the techniques used recruiting new members and how to manipulate them into attending the remote overseas EDUCO indoctrination Seminar where women were at high-risk of Sexual Assault.
Shah ran seminars offering attendees his financial wisdom before February 2004:
Someone with knowledge of Shah wrote of him in 2010:
Ashika Shah, her brother Babu Shah and the entire family have been involved with Quinn for years. Formerly Tony Robbins guru supporters they moved on to Quinn and Educo.
Babu and Ashika come from a long line of ripping people off including in the dubious investment club network where he ‘taught people how to make money” on the stock exchange. TICN threw him them out years ago. the advertising authority should look at all the false claims they made then as well.
Quinn has used this family to gain access to their networks of people, while secretly laughing at them behind their backs.
Educo has destroyed this whole family with most of them bankrupt at this stage. They are so stupid they cannot see it and continue to work for Quinn in educogyms. Babu and Ashika used money belonging to decent people in a Gym in the UK and blew it. The great Quinn calls Babu – booooo behind his back.
There has not been one credible testimonal (sic) of people who have taken teh (sic) supplements that Quinn claims to have. Close examination of thise (sic) shows they all work for him, although I expect few are paid.
In 2006 Shah opened the first Educogym franchise. The Educo gym business model is outlined in a document published by Dialogue Ireland
The new Educogym franchise that is being touted by TQ [Tony Quinn, leader of the EDUCO Cult] is the latest in the rip off of the membership.Some approximately 30 gyms are now open – none of which are making money. They are in fact being subsidised by the members.The franchise fee structure, the capital cost and the training costs for the person setting up and all the staff are of course, based around attendance of the Educo seminars.
– First you must attend an Educo seminar to be “eligible’ to apply for a franchise
– Each person who wants a franchise must pay €25,000 for it
– Buy a super machine designed by him at another €25,000
– Attend another course in the Bahamas for the Educogym training at an additional €10,000 per person plus all travel and accommodation costs – another €3 to 4,000.
– Then each person who works in the Educogym must attend the Educo seminar at another €18,500 plus attend the Educogym training an additional €10,000 per person.So the EDUCO line [Tony Quinn’s] pockets amount per gym opening is €120,000 based on two trainers and up to €200,000 ++ depending on the amount of trainers!!! You will be encouraged to attend again and again as we have seen – because you didn’t get it the first time.
If you are an owner of the gym it will be “essential” for success that you attend a minimum of one “Mind Master Seminar” at a cool €64,000 – so that you have the right “mindset” to run this complicated franchise.Now the latest plan have “super” Educo gyms where in addition to franchise costs of setting up, buying his “super” machine and paying him a royalty for each person that comes through the door he is taking a one third of the business.The catch of course is that “he invests,” yes you got it NOTHING.The franchise owner takes the risk of getting the premises, having them refurbished to the “educogym standard” and pays all the overheads.There is not one serious experienced business person who has looked at this plan who says the numbers stack up. How could they?
Later in 2014 Quinn would be reported to have spoken about the failure of those who ran the Educogyms:
[Quinn] spoke of how he had no one he could trust to leave in charge in his [Educogyms]. He had no one of quality he could rely on. This point was returned to frequently so that it seemed to be a challenge to the individual members of the audience to step up and be the type of person he wanted.
In 2007 Shah offered his insider knowledge of the Banking system for a price:
Northern Rock – Profiting from disaster
How does the banking system work? How can you become richer, the more you bowwor (sic). Learn facinating (sic) insights that mean you will never be in fear of money again
Understand these facts, and making money really is childs (sic) play.
Sign up now for our unique teleclass – normally priced at £50
email me on [email protected] with the subject Northern Rock Teleclass to be held on the 15th of October 2007 at 8pm.
Also in 2007 “someone” commented on Shah and his incredible talents:
The system is based on a stock market guru by the name of Babu Shah, a genius by all accounts.
The gym folded two years after opening. In 2007 Shah had forecast a different outcome:
Although new to the world of health and fitness, this has never stopped me in the past to find success, and the Mind Training tools, especially Educo, I forcast (sic) this latest venture as being the most successful to date.
In 2008 Shah left this testimony on the Educo Success website where members of the EDUCO messianic Cult would leave testimonies for the purpose of recruiting others into the cult. His testimony sat alongside those of other members including Manj Weeraskera, Alex Weerasekera (Alex Jones), Ranjeev Sidhu, Mary Anne Malone, Zana Morris, Jagir Singh/Shah and Maggie Lawrie.
In 2010 it was revealed Shah attended The Summit seminar at the cost of £55000, along with another member he recruited in Enterprise Oil in the late 1990s and their close-associate Manj Weerasekera. Attendees of The Summit Seminar were hand-picked by Quinn. This Summit Seminar was intended to change the world and introduced the meditation mantra “The Success System That Cannot Fail”.
In 2009 an ex-member revealed what happens at the intimate cultic inner-circle meetings with the leader where it is revealed Quinn is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, This description tallies with a condition many Cult leaders have known as Geschwind syndrome, and the “energy” is a form of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy seizure.
It was a strange meeting. When one of those present went on his knees asking Quinn to heal him, people started falling off their chairs, throwing themselves on the floor, some laughed hysterically, others cried. It was spontaneous and dramatic, an incredible reaction and that feeling of ‘energy’ was very strong.
One woman literally went flying across the floor and ended face down on the floor at his feet. Quinn told us that the world was destined to be saved by a group of people and that this responsibility rested on the shoulders of those present in the room. He was not happy about how things were progressing and told us that if we didn’t come up to the mark then he would do it on his own. Some of the people in the room who were really upset by this. I left that room convinced that he was who we thought he was, Jesus Christ, and I felt that I had to try harder but it wasn’t easy.
In 2010 someone who knew Shah wrote about this summit and his business ventures:
Well it is easy to know where the people on the summit are. the fanous (sic) Babu boooooho as he was called by the powers to be, ripped so many peopl off with his Investment Club, then moved on to educo, then opened his educo gym in the UK. All using other people’s money. Then when all of these fails he is in Dublin working in a gym. The last I heard was that he was not getting paid – now why does that surprise us. Long list of people before you bohhhhooo in the same boat and many after you.
Another wrote of Shah:
Who would take Babu – called the booooo by TQ [Tony Quinn, leader of the EDUCO Cult], seriously. A man that sunk a gym, never had any money and talked and bluffed his way through life now to be a trainer in a Dublin gym.
In 2010 it was reported that the Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland upheld a complaint against a scam advertisement featuring Shah’s sister Ashika.
The 2011 Educo-Mind-Power website offered Shah to share how Educo had enriched his life:
“Whatever I truly want I get”
5 years ago I was running a successful Investment company; very much into meditation; a vegan – weight training and eating anything other than green vegetables was a total no-no. I’ve always pursued a goal of self-realization, and yet today I have greater realization and clarity then any other time in my life and have spent more time and money doing the things I love to do – travel around the world, live a more luxurious life than ever before, I have better relationships and nothing gets me down. Life has become effortless – things happen so much more effortlessly. Whatever I truly want I get. That’s the power of the Educo™ seminar – its worth more than anything else.”
Babu Shah, Northampton, UK
In 2012 Shah was looking to expand the EDUCO Cult to Manchester:
Upcoming Manchester Event
We are running an ‘Art Of Living’ workshop in Manchester, details to be announced shortly. This is a great place to introduce new people to Educo Mind Technology but most importantly it is a day for results – where we take you through a process, then teach you some introductory Formative Learning and Vision Imprinting exercises. After these workshops participants report real and immediate results in different areas of their lives – certainly raising their curiosity about the Educo Formative Learning process and the Educo Seminar program me. Venue to be confirmed and posted here shortly.
Shah was also given his own password-protected area of the EducoWorld website in 2012:
Shah’s website,, has been in it’s current incarnation since 2012 when he and his wife Taz were running events in Birmingham.
Shah was also claiming to be running a monthly meeting in London. In 2006 The Sunday Times sent an undercover reporter to invitation-only recruitment events also held in London where they reported on Educo’s programme to expand in the UK and target Children.
In 2015 Shah held an event at the Northampton NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practice Group:
In 2019 Shah was interviewed by Pam Sidhu for the Sabras Moments podcast. No product or company was mentioned.
Shah has left an online review for Ecton House in Northampton.
It’s been said that Shah runs the Northampton group of EDUCO. It has been said this group has isolated individuals within it; a tactic cultic groups use to impose control on their members.