Zana Morris joined the EDUCO messianic Cult in the late 1990s, featuring in this 1995 Cult “newspaper” which was distributed in Ireland with the aim of recruiting people into Tony Quinn’s Cult.

In 1999 Morris was hosting EDUCO Cult “Successful Living” 1-day Seminars.
Morris was also listed, along with her brother Lyndon Morris, as contacts in an advert in the Sunday World in June 1999 for “Dr. Tony Quinn’s Relaxation Day” events.
In July 2000 Morris, along with her brother Lyndon Morris, were named as contacts in an advert for “Tony Quinn’s Successful Living 6-Week Course”
In October 2000 in the Irish Independent’s “Personal Notices” section, an advert was published naming Morris as a contact for “Tony Quinn’s 6 Week Intensive Successful Living Course”
Also that month Morris was named as a “Course Tutor” in an advert for the EDUCO “6 Week Successful Living Course”. The advert also names other tutors including Morris’ brother Lyndon Morris. Others named include EDUCO stalwarts, including one member who sued Quinn regarding his abuse for which he settled out-of-court in 2010.
The above advert also promotes a “2 Day Seminar” to be held in London. In 2005 The Sunday Times sent in an undercover reporter into such an EDUCO event.
In 2001 Morris was named in an advert as a contact for “Tony Quinn’s Successful Living 6-Week Intensive Course”:
In 2005 Morris was listed as running “Dr” Tony Quinn Yoga classes in London, and listed on this EDUCO-connected website alongside EDUCO Cult stalwarts Margaret Forde (ex-wife of Martin Forde), Linda Keen, Carmel Farnan, Yvonne Sherry, Madeline Page, Dee Scallan and Gus McCarthy:
In 2006 Morris opened the first London EducoGym. The EducoGym franchise model was detailed in the “From Butcher to Oil Slick” document leaked to Dialogue Ireland by ex-members and published in 2009:
The new Educogym franchise that is being touted by [Tony Quinn] is the latest in the rip off of the membership. Some approximately 30 gyms are now open – none of which are making money. They are in fact being subsidised by the members. The franchise fee structure, the capital cost and the training costs for the person setting up and all the staff are of course, based around attendance of the Educo seminars.
• First you must attend an Educo seminar to be “eligible’ to apply for a franchise
• Each person who wants a franchise must pay €25,000 for it
•Buy a super machine designed by him at another €25,000
• Attend another course in the Bahamas for the Educogym training at an additional €10,000 per person plus all travel and accommodation costs – another €3 to 4,000.
• Then each person who works in the Educogym must attend the Educo seminar at another €18,500 plus attend the Educogym training an additional €10,000 per person.
So the EDUCO line [Tony Quinn’s] pockets amount per gym opening is €120,000 based on two trainers and up to €200,000 ++ depending on the amount of trainers!!! You will be encouraged to attend again and again as we have seen – because you didn’t get it the first time.
If you are an owner of the gym it will be “essential” for success that you attend a minimum of one “Mind Master Seminar” at a cool €64,000 – so that you have the right “mindset” to run this complicated franchise. Now the latest plan have “super” Educo gyms where in addition to franchise costs of setting up, buying his “super” machine and paying him a royalty for each person that comes through the door he is taking a one third of the business.The catch of course is that “he invests,” yes you got it NOTHING. The franchise owner takes the risk of getting the premises, having them refurbished to the “educogym standard” and pays all the overheads.There is not one serious experienced business person who has looked at this plan who says the numbers stack up. How could they?
In 2008 Morris left this testimony on the “Tony Quinn Educo Seminars Home of the Invincible Vision!” website, alongside other members Manj Weerasekera, Babu Shah, Ranjeev Singh Sidhu, Alexandra Weerasekera, Mary Ann Malone, Jagir Singh/Shah, Cherrelle Woodstock, Thurston Pym, Jamie Myerscough, Josh Stewart, Lyndon Morris, Neera Menon, Mary Monks, Maggie Lawrie, Karen Kennaby, Shane Craddock and Tina Fearon, for the purpose of recruiting others into the Totalist EDUCO messianic Cult.

On the “EDUCO Success System” website Morris left another testimony using the name “EDUCO-Zana” in 2008:

This testimony was repeated on another EDUCO Cult recruitment website “EDUCO Network – Sharing Real Stories To Inspire Each Other” in the same year.
Morris features in this 2011 advert for the first London EducoGym which was based in Harley Street.
Morris appears with Jagir Singh/Shah who would go on to be the proprietor of two further London based EducoGyms.
In 2009 reports appeared in the Press of Human Trafficking practices used against those who were sent on the mandatory EducoGym training which was held by Malignant Narcissist “Dr” Tony Quinn.
Also in 2009 the Clerical Whispers website, which usually reports on abuses within the Catholic Church, reported that attendees of the mandatory EducoGym training were coerced into signing employment agreements for fear of being evicted whilst in the Bahamas.

Morris’ Harley Street EducoGym base was used by other members of the EDUCO Cult to coordinate operations here in the UK.
Caroline McDonagh, a close associate of EDUCO Cult leader “Dr” Tony Quinn, boasted in 2009 of meeting clients at the Harley Street base.
In 2010 a commenter on the Dialogue Ireland website, a charity in Ireland responsible for educating the public on the dangers of Cults and who have tracked “Dr” Tony Quinn and the EDUCO Cult since the 1990s, suggested Morris could be made responsible for the UK operations of the Cult:
The comment mentions Tikki Chambers. It is also suggested that Manj Weerasekera (spelt Mang) and Babu Shah could be her assistants.
In 2012 Morris appeared on another EDUCO Cult recruitment website claiming the Cult indoctrination seminar gave her “A sense of true mental freedom“:
Morris opened The Library gym in Notting Hill using the “Time Machine” gym-equipment designed by her guru “Dr” Tony Quinn.
In 2013 Time Out promoted The Library gym and included a photograph of the “Dr” Tony Quinn designed “Time Machine” gym-equipment.
In 2014 Channel 4 News’ Tom Clarke was filmed using the equipment coached by Morris.
In 2015 Morris released the book “The High Fat Diet” with Helen Foster, published by Vermilion Books.
In the book Morris acknowledges her guru “Dr” Tony Quinn before her own family:
In the book Morris repeats many of the discredited claims made by members of the Totalist EDUCO messianic Cult:

Morris continues with further claims about reprogramming the mind, claims discredited by professors of Psychiatry and Psychology over a decade before:
Morris’ Strong Nutrients online-store appears to sell repackaged Tony Quinn food-supplements.
These include Chill Pill which appears to be repackaged Pantac 100 Capsules (Click if outside UK) among many others

Morris’ companies are also linked to Manj Weerasekera, Alexandra Jones (Alex Weerasekera) and Maggie Lawrie.