Murfitt claims in a LinkedIn post that he joined the EDUCO Cult in 2017. 11-days after publishing his piece an almost-word-for-word post was made by Alex Weerasekera (Alexandra Jones).
These are the same unsubstantiated claims made on the official EDUCO messianic Cult website:
Business success: On average they achieved 360% increase in turnover/ revenue in 3 years
Personal Finances: The average income increase was 88% each year, producing a total of 264% for 3 years.
Main goals in life: Over the 3-year period, their capacity for achieving goals increased by 67%, which was so remarkable that the results were off the graph normally used in such studies.
Satisfaction with life: A 3-year follow-up study showed their satisfaction with life had increased by 55%.

On 16th February 2021 Richard Murfitt launched The Big Life Club, Announcing on Facebook, the “Club” had been months in planning. Murfitt received the support of others associated with the EDUCO Cult including Anjum Malik, Jennifer Haskins, Madeline Paige, Mona Power, Jane Abbott (now Jayne Abbott), Stephanie Woollard, Tania Adams, Susie Heath, Pam Sidhu, Tikki Chalmers, Anne Kinsella, Mary Ann Malone, Patricia Fitzpatrick and Susan Morrice.
Murfitt has posted from France about the Big Life Club numerous times and even posted he has residency.

Interestingly in France, the Government there takes an active interest in Cults, especially those who import themselves into their territory. Murfitt will certainly have come to the attention of le Ministère de l’Intérieur as will his fellow EDUCO Cult associates resident in France.

Murfitt has stated that he believes “Dr” Tony Quinn to be more than a Malignant Narcissist Cult Leader with a 50-year history of Sexual and Financial abuse of his followers. Muffit stated online in March 2021:
I have had the privilege of meeting and working with who I believe to be the most powerful and consequential spiritual and mind masters of our lifetime – Dr Tony Quinn. I believe this man has the highest level of consciousness of anyone currently living on the planet and has been the most influential person that led me and hundreds of others to self-actualisation. Check out

Murfitt claimed in March 2021 “Over 125 people have joined The BIG LIFE CLUB in the last 2 weeks”. Murfitt even named some of these people.
On 18 March 2021 Murfitt published the first list of “members” of his Big Life Club, which included Patricia Fitzpatrick, an associate of Tony Quinn‘s.

On 19 March 2021 a second list of “members” was posted which included Mary Ann Malone and Keith A Jones
In the lists appear people who have been recruited by others associated with the EDUCO Cult, Many other members are in other countries, including France and Portugal.
The “Big Life Club” states it’s an online operation, and is operating in a number of States.
Murfitt’s “friends” have stated they feel he is involved in something culty. but when told about the history of Sexual abuse in the Cult claimed that the small viewing-figures of the videos they appear in to promote The Big Life Club mean that it doesn’t matter.
Here is Mat Braddy endorsing Richard Murfitt on The Big Life Club’s YouTube channel. The Big Life Club being a front-group for the Totalist EDUCO messianic cult; a cult with a 50-year history of Sexual and Financial abuse which the Sunday World revealed in 2009 was claiming to use the techniques of the Third-Reich and Hamas to indoctrinate children. Here’s Mat Braddy appearing on The Big Life Club YouTube channel:
Murfitt appears in a recent photograph with “Dr” Tony Quinn, including Manj Weerasekera, Glen O’Callaghan, Claire Bulman, Tania Adams. Patricia Fitzpatrick and Sarah Gilhooly.
Jane Abbott, who also features in the photograph, gave Murfitt’s Big Life Club a gushing endorsement in March 2021 but neglected to mention her and Murfitt’s association to the EDUCO Cult, a Cult with a 50-year history of Sexual and Financial abuse.